Cervantes in Mitko Madžunkov’s novels


  • Igor Popovski Universidad «Santos Cirilo y Metodio»




The aim of this paper is to shed light on a key aspect of Macedonian writer Mitko Madžunkov’s novels, especially his tetralogy composed of Vremeto na irvasite (The Time of the Reindeers), 2003; Pticite od lanskite gnezda (The Birds of Yesterday’s Nests), 2012; Pravta na bibliotekite (The Dust of the Libraries), 2019; Vremeto pred prikaznata (The Time before the Story), 2022. It has to do with the intertextual relation that these novels trace with Cervantes’ Don Quixote, from the obvious ones – the second book’s title and the Cervantine characters within the story – to those that require more effort to be discerned and interpreted, like the narrative technique and the essay-length interpretations of Don Quixote, which establish strong links with Madžunkov’s story. Our analysis centres on examples of these three aspects – the narrative technique, the characters and the interpretations – of Madžunkov’s tetralogy, which ought to serve as a starting point for a more exhaustive study.


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How to Cite

Popovski, I. “Cervantes in Mitko Madžunkov’s Novels”. BEOIBERÍSTICA - Journal of Iberian, Latin American and Comparative Studies (ISSN: 2560-4163 Online), vol. 8, no. 1, Dec. 2024, p. 255‒264, doi:10.18485/beoiber.2024.8.1.15.

