Youth Languages in the Institutional Curriculum of Rural Areas of Northern Antioquia, Colombia


  • Claudia Cristina Grajales Bolívar Universidad del Tolima



Spanish is a language in permanent evolution according to the thinking, feeling and use of the speaker because it is closely linked to the essence of Being and, in the new generations, conditioned by political, social, cultural, technological and communication contexts worldwide. The sciences of sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics recognize the linguistic variety of the young people of the 21st century. However, it is important to analyze the language of young people in the curriculum of rural schools in Colombia to propose communication strategies consistent with their life project. The research arises from the reflection on the formation of citizens in its communicative dimension. The methodological approach is qualitative with a single case study that applies surveys, conducts interviews and reviews the Institutional Educational Project - PEI to relate the coherence with this research. The results are conclusive in the variety and linguistic use, absence of criteria, the little participation of the students and a PEI in the process of being updated. In the conclusions, the linguistic varieties of different social groups between the ages of 12 and 30 are presented, with the influence of the language of the city. Therefore, educational agents propose linguistic adjustments in the curriculum and transversal projects related to oral and written discourse. Finally, an impact is achieved in the community to continue this research, so that a communicative, critical and participatory citizen is defined, especially in the rural areas of educational institutions in the north of Antioquia, Colombia.


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