Borges Our Contemporary
Borges is an exemplary Argentine writer and also a great cosmopolitan belonging to the whole world. He dismissed narrow-minded nationalism and wrote with a free spirit that embraced the world without artificial divisions. Michel Foucault misread Borges’s invented “Chinese encyclopedia” as a symbol of the absolute Other, but Borges never saw China as an alien culture. Encyclopedia is a conceptual metaphor Borges used to describe the ambitious and heroic human effort at regulating and classifying all knowledge and things in the world, even though that effort eventually necessarily fails. Like the other failed classification systems in the West, that “Chinese encyclopedia” is part of the courageous human effort Borges described in several of his works. Instead of being obsessed with cultural differences, Borges put emphasis on affinities that would lead to a better and more peaceful future for humanity. Given the tension, conflict and regional wars we see in our world today, Borges’s advice to focus on our affinities and points of contact with all other human beings is particularly important.Reference
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Zhang Longxi. «The Myth of the Other: China in the Eyes of the West.» Critical Inquiry 15.1 (Autumn 1988): 108-31. Print.
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