Precursors and Their Borges: Premodern Sculpting in Modern Time


  • Michael Makarovsky The Hebrew University of Jerusalem



Borges is boundless: his texts leave no uncrossed boundaries between distant and close, early and late, medieval and modern. However, such boundlessness is by no means a result of his supposedly morally weightless playfulness, which many postmodernists were glad to see as a worthy harbinger. As I intend to show in this essay, Borges’s main intellectual, literary, and ethical strategy is what might be called time condensation: using his astonishing erudition, Borges shows that our modern and secularized world, where each generation perceives itself as new, unique and unprecedented, is composed of countless strata created by the collective experience of past generations. Borges’s enterprise is consistent with the intellectual and artistic projects of modernism (including the works of Virginia Woolf, Marcel Proust, James Joyce, and Franz Kafka) as it strives to provide an alternative to the linear, irreversible, and secularised time of the modern world; an alternative constructed as a matter of interpretive choice and at the same time a moral and existential choice: to recognize or deny the ethical dimension of time. Jewish ideas played an important, though not the only, role in shaping Borges’s vision of condensed time, as did, more generally, his lifelong sympathetic observation of the unique historical destiny of the Jewish people. Hence, I argue, the formalist tendency in recent scholarship to ‘translate’ Borges’s Jewish theme into a dehistoricized and essentialized language of literary tropes, a sophisticated mind game that bears no relation to actual (Jewish) history, often comes at the cost of turning a blind eye to the ethical dimension of Borges’s intellectual project.



Michael Makarovsky is a graduate student in the Department of Comparative Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Originally from the Russian Federation (Moscow), he is currently completing his master’s thesis on one of the most important works of medieval literature, Perceval ou le Conte du Graal by Chrétien de Troyes, attempting to trace the circulation of its core ideas from Augustine to Shakespeare, Cervantes, and Dostoevsky. Michael is passionate about tracing how the medieval imagination survives the challenges of early modern and modern secularization to take on unpredictable and often disguised forms in modern literature and culture. His work is forthcoming in two co-edited collections: Short Story as World Literature: The Deep History and Modern Lives of an Impure Genre, eds. Delia Ungureanu and Amândio Reis (Bloomsbury, 2024), and The Artistic Object and Its Worlds: Literature and Cinema, eds. Delia Ungureanu and Michael Wood (Brill, 2025).


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