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Author Guidelines


1. All articles must be original works and must not be already published or submitted for publication in other journals or publications.

2. All articles must be written in one of the official languages of the journal: Spanish, English, Catalan, Portuguese or Serbian* (Latin Script).

*Submissions in Serbian are accepted only if requiered by the topic of submission. 

3. The length of the article should be between 15,000 and 40,000 characters (including spaces).

4. Contributions should be written in 12-pt Times New Roman font, single spacing and delivered in the electronic format word.doc.

5. Consecutively numbered footnotes (10-pt Font Times New Roman and single line spacing) serve to clarify certain information or offer an additional explanation, and not to state bibliographic information.

6. Short quotations (up to three lines) should be part of the body of the text, in quotation marks (" "). Longer quotations which exceed three lines should be separated from the rest of the text, written in Times New Roman, size 11, and single line spacing .

7. Document pages need not be numbered.

8. Citing sources in the text should be consistent and look as follows:

... (Pérez, 2001: 56-63)..., / (see Pérez 2001: 56-63) ... / J. Pérez (2001: 56-63) argues that...

9. In the REFERENCES section at the end of the article, all cited or paraphrased sources in the paper must be given in alphabetical order of author surname.

10. All articles must have a title, summary and keywords, written two languages: Spanish (Catalan, Portuguese or Serbian) and English. If the submission is written in Serbian, it must include a title, summary and keywords both in English and in Spanish. Each summary (Times New Roman, font size 11, and single line spacing) should not exceed 300 words.

11. If necessary, the article can include images, illustrations or photographs provided the author specifies the appropriate information and submits the cited author’s written permission that the picture, illustration or photograph may be published in the journal.

12. At the end of the article (after the two summaries) the author(s) should provide the basic biographical information (between 200 and 250 words) in the language of the article, as well as the email address(es).

The Article Structure:

Information about the author
: name and surname.

Institution (affiliation): name of the institution the author is affiliated with and its originating country.

Article title: centred (NOT to be capitalised).

A brief summary in the language of the article: should contain the subject of research, aims, methodology, expected results and conclusions.

Keywords written in the language of the article: up to five words or phrases, in Spanish (English, Catalan, Portuguese or Serbian).

Body text: divided into chapters or sections (subtitles should NOT be capitalised).

References: Should be cited consistently in alphabetical order of authors’ surnames, as follows (MLA style):

[Book citations]

Franco, Jean. Cruel Modernity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2013. Print*.

(*or “Impreso” for works published in Spanish, “Imprès” for Catalan, etc. All bibliographic references should be cited according to the language of publication.)

Several bibliographic references by the same author should be listed in chronological order, ranging from the oldest to the latest published works.

[Citations from several publications by the same author]
Sotelo Vázquez, Adolfo. Perfiles de "Clarín". Barcelona: Ariel, 2001. Impreso.
—. El naturalismo en España: crítica y novela. Salamanca: Almar, 2002. Impreso.

If a reference has two authors, both surnames should be indicated. If there are more than two authors, the Latin abbreviation et al. should be specified after the first author's surname.

[Citations by two or more authors]

Alvar, Manuel, y Bernard Pottier. Morfología histórica del español. Madrid: Gredos, 1983. Impreso.

Catalán, Diego, et al. Teoría general y metodología del romancero pan-Hispanico. Catálogo descriptivo. Madrid: Seminario Menéndez Pidal, 1984. Impreso.

[Citations from journal articles]

Soldatić, Dalibor. «Las literaturas hispánicas en Serbia.» Colindancias 1 (2010): 21-28. Impreso.

[Citations from a volume of proceedings and thematic monographs]

Rodríguez Leandro. «La función del Monarca en Lope de Vega.»  Lope de Vega y los orígenes del teatro español. Actas del I Congreso Internacional sobre Lope de Vega. Manuel Criado de Val (ed.). Madrid: Edi-6, 1981. 799-803. Impreso.

When citing different works by the same author published in the same year, lower-case letters (a, b, c) must be put immediately after the year of publication without a space. For example: 2007a, 2007b.

The procedure of citing sources available on the Internet:

[Monograph available online]

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha. Edición del Instituto Cervantes, dirigida por Francisco Rico. Barcelona: Instituto Cervantes: Crítica, 1998. Centro Virtual Cervantes. Web. Oct. 19, 2007.

[Articles in a serial publication (i. e. periodicals) available online]
Stojanović, Jasna. «Del monje ávido de lectura al apuntador idealista: los Quijotes serbios a través de los Siglos.» Verba Hispanica 20.2 (2012): 325-335. Web. 29 Jun. 2016.

Article title: in Spanish (English, Catalan, Portuguese or Serbian), or, that is, in one of languages ​​the paper was not written in.

Summary in the language different from the language of the article: Spanish (English, Catalan, Portuguese and Serbian). It must contain the subject of the research, methodology, expected results and conclusions.

Keywords in the language in which the article was not written: up to five keywords or phrases, in Spanish (English, Catalan, Portuguese or Serbian).

Author’s biography.

Book Review Guidelines

Submitted reviews should be written in Times New Roman, font size 12, single line spacing and delivered in the electronic format word.doc. They should not exceed 2,000 words. At the beginning of the text, the author(s) should include a full bibliographic information of the reviewed publication, in the following order:

Name and Surname. Title. Name and Surname of the editor, translator or compiler. Place of publication: Publisher, year. The total number of pages.

At the end of review, the author(s) should indicate their full name, title, and affiliation, as well as their email address.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.