Between dislocation and hanging topic: possible distinctive criteria between two thematization mechanisms


  • Vita Veselko Universidad de Ljubljana



In the present study we aim to examine the two main thematization or topicalization mechanisms, dislocation and hanging topic, looking to discern where the limit between both structures could be drawn. Although both have already been structurally and pragmatically characterized, there are various cases of potential overlap that hinder the distinction between them. Therefore, we study those syntactic, informational and discoursive aspects which could be used as distinctive criteria in cases of ambiguity. First, we define the fundamental features of both mechanisms paying special attention to those which they have or at least seem to have in common. We then proceed to examine their syntactic, informational and discursive traits to discover if there are some principles which in cases of (apparent) overlap would help to determine whether a certain structure is an example of dislocation or of hanging topic. In search of such boundary, we analyse the journalistic discourse as the purest materialization of the transactional function. By examining our corpus, we observe that the most reliable criteria concern the syntactic traits, as the resulting topics differ in their position and their relationship with the nucleus of the sentence. On informational level they seem to show differences in the broadness of the frame, while on discoursive level we observe certain tendencies regarding their degree of integration in the discourse and their textual scope.


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How to Cite

Veselko, V. “Between Dislocation and Hanging Topic: Possible Distinctive Criteria Between Two Thematization Mechanisms”. BEOIBERÍSTICA - Journal of Iberian, Latin American and Comparative Studies (ISSN: 2560-4163 Online), vol. 8, no. 1, Dec. 2024, pp. 71–91 , doi:10.18485/beoiber.2024.8.1.4.

