Didactics of the Past. The Past Tense in Serbian and Its Corresponding Forms in Spanish


  • Milica Lilić University of Seville




Starting from the dominance of the past tense in Serbian, as the most frequently used tense to express actions and states of the past, this study tries to find its corresponding forms in Spanish, depending on its syntactic use and the purpose of the statement. Thus, through a series of examples, the four types of the past tense in Serbian will be explained (indicative, relative, qualitative and modal) and their corresponding tenses and verbal periphrasis in Spanish will be analyzed. Likewise, an emphasis will be placed on the uses of the truncated past tense in Serbian, comparing it with its equivalent forms in Spanish. The analysis shows that the use of the past tense in Serbian is so widespread that it is necessary to resort to most of the verb forms in Spanish to cover all its uses and to transmit a particular statement correctly. Likewise, the results of the study show that it can be interpreted as a didactic tool for teaching Spanish as a foreign language.


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