Kafka and Borges in the “The Secret Miracle”
The centerpiece of this essay is an analysis of Jorge Luis Borges’ “The Secret Miracle,” set in Prague during the first few days of Czechoslovakia’s occupation by the Nazis. I argue that the protagonist of the story is a fictional amalgam of Kafka’s biography and Borges’ own; and that Borges’ creative process draws on his literary engagements with Kafka, including his assimilation of the Book of Job through the prism of Kafka. The essay begins with a synopsis of Borges’s views on Kafka, which changed over the years; and it explores the historical circumstances in Europe and Argentina that inspired the story. Notwithstanding the astute borrowings from Kafka’s writings and biography, Borges’s story ends with a decisively Borgesian turn: his own denouement to a literary theme he shares with Kafka, namely, the punishment of the guiltless.Reference
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